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Curricum Vitae

Academic Experience

2013 - Present


University of St. Gallen (HSG)

School of Economics and Political Sciences (SEPS)

Institute of Economics (FGN)


St. Gallen


2010 - 2013

LECTURER IN ECONOMICS (tenured position)

University of Hull


United Kingdom

Teaching Experience

University of St. Gallen

  •  Makroökonomik I: Übungen und Selbststudium (tutorials for German-speaking students, Prof. Reto Föllmi)

  • Macroeconomics I: exercises and self-study (tutorials for English-speaking students, Prof. Guido Cozzi).

University of Hull

  • ·Topics of Empirical and Business Economics (3rd year undergraduate)

  • Macroeconomics II (2nd year undergraduate)

  • ·International Economics (2nd year undergraduate)

  • ·Times Series Econometrics (3rd year undergraduate)

  • ·Macroeconomics (MBA)

  • ·Microeconomics – Business Environment (MBA)

  • ·Economic Environment (Executive MBA, in Hong Kong and Singapore teaching campuses)

  • ·Economic Analysis for Business (MSc in Business Economics)

  • Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisions

  • Postgraduate Theses Supervision


Galli S. and G. Cozzi (2022). "Covid-19 Vaccines, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights”. In “Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics”, K.F. Zimmermann Eds.; Springer Nature: forthcoming.


Galli S. and G. Cozzi (2021). “Privatization of Knowledge. Did the US get it right?”, Economic Modelling, vol. 98, May, pages 179-91


Galli S. and G. Cozzi (2020). “Counting Innovations: Schumpeterian Growth in Discrete Time”, Economics Letters, vol. 189, April, pages 1-4


Galli S., G. Cozzi and N. Mantovan (2018). “Will a Shrink Make You Richer? Gender Differences in the Effects of Psychotherapy on Labour Efficiency’, European Economic Review, 2018, vol. 109, October, pages 257-274


Galli S. and G. Cozzi (2017). “Should the Government Protect its Basic Research?”, Economics Letters, vol. 157, 2017 August, pages 122-124


Galli S. and G. Cozzi (2014). “Sequential R&D and Blocking Patents in the Dynamics of Growth”, Journal of Economic Growth, 2014 June, Vol. 19, Issue 2, p. 183-219.


Galli S., A. C. Chu, and Cozzi G. (2014). "Stage-Dependent Intellectual Property Rights", Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, 2014 vol. 106(C), p. 239-249.


Galli S., A. C. Chu, and Cozzi G. (2012). “Does Intellectual Monopoly Stimulate or Stifle Innovation?”, European Economic Review, 2012 volume 56, p. 727-746.


Galli S. and G. Cozzi (2009). “Science-based R&D in Schumpeterian Growth”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Volume 56, Issue 4, September 2009, p. 474-491.


Galli S. (2006). “Patents and Research Tools in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Sequential Innovation”, Rivista di Politica Economica, November – December 2006, p. 63-104.

Working papers

Galli S., M. Bolboaca, and Cozzi G. (2021). “Medium Frequencies in Non-Frontier Economies”, European Union Horizon 2020 Grant 727144 Research Paper.


Work in progress and research projects

“Health, Technological and Socio-Economic Breakthrough of ivt mRNA Vaccine Platforms”, with Cozzi G. (University of St. Gallen)., S. Pascolo (University of Zürich), and M. Mellet (University of Zürich).

Media and invited comments

Silvia Galli and Guido Cozzi, "State capacity, vaccination rates, and the paradox of the selfish elites", in " Elite Quality Report 2022: Country Scores and Global Rankings", T. Casas-Klett & G. Cozzi. (Eds.), Zurich: Seismo. doi: 10.33058/seismo.30769.7530


Silvia Galli and Guido Cozzi, "Italy: Waiting for its private elites to stop extracting value", in " Elite Quality Report 2022: Country Scores and Global Rankings", T. Casas-Klett & G. Cozzi. (Eds.), Zurich: Seismo. doi: 10.33058/seismo.30769.3670


Silvia Galli and Guido Cozzi, “L’irreversibile cambio di rotta fiscale nell’era post Covid-19", Formiche, Economia: il Gruppo dei 20, 14/04/2020:

L’irreversibile cambio di rotta fiscale nell’era post Covid-19 -


Silvia Galli, Guido Cozzi and Noemi Mantovan, “Psychotherapy can make you richer - especially if you are a man”, The Conversation, December 11, 2018:

Psychotherapy can make you richer - especially if you are a man (




Advanced Courses for Doctoral Students and Faculty Members


International Finance


Prof. Pierre Olivier Gourinchas (University of California, Berkeley).



PhD in Economics

United Kingdom

UniCredit & Universities Foundation Best PhD Thesis Award (2014).


Supervisor: Dr Thomas Renstrom.



Laurea Magistrale in Economia Politica – 120 ECTS, major in Economic Analysis


Grade: 110/110 with distinction (cum laude) and dignity of publication for the dissertation.


“Angelo Costa” Thesis Award 2006, awarded by the Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industries) for the best Italian postgraduate thesis in economics.


Supervisor: Prof. Guido Cozzi.



Bachelor in Economics - 180 ECTS

major in Economic Analysis.


Grants and Awards

2021-2022 SNF: Swiss National Science Foundation Grant, co-investigator, “Post-Pandemic Economic Outlook: Automation, Reshoring, Education, and Growth”, CHF 223,050, principal investigator Prof. Guido Cozzi (University of St. Gallen).


European Union Horizon 2020 Grant 727144, 2016, MONROE “Modelling and evaluating the socio-economic impacts of research and innovation with the suite of macro- and regional-economic models” (€1,498,902.50), co-investigator, principal investigator Prof. Guido Cozzi (University of St. Gallen).


UniCredit & Universities Foundation Best PhD Thesis Award. The Foundations’ Scientific Committee awarded the prize (€ 5,000) to the three best PhD theses in economics discussed within European Universities over the previuos three years.

"Bonaldo Stringher Scholarship" - Postgraduate Research Scholarship (€ 20,000 and the payment of the university tuition fees) awarded by the Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy) 2007.


First Ranked in the “Angelo Costa” Thesis Award 2006, awarded by the Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industries) for the best Italian postgraduate thesis in economics.


Italian National Interest Research Project 2005 (P.R.I.N. 2005): “Economic Growth: Institutional and Social Dynamics”, co-investigator, principal investigator Prof. Neri Salvadori (University of Pisa). Grant No. 2005131559 financed by the Italian Ministry for Research and Higher Education (€ 196,000.00).


Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE) Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2008-2010.

Invited seminars and conferences

Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain (CORE-UCL)

Italy: University of Rome Luiss “Guido Carli”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, University of Pisa

France: SKEMA Business School, University of Marseille

Switzerland: ETH Zürich, University of St. Gallen HSG

Germany: University of Konstanz, University of Mainz

United Kingdom: University of Newcastle, University of York, University of Hull, Durham University, University of Glasgow, Bangor University

United States: New York University (discussant).


English (fluent)

German (upper intermediate)

Italian (native)

French (lower intermediate)

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